Webhooks - coming soon!

Webhooks provide a mechanism for notifying client applications when certain events happen on the server. This is an efficient alternative to polling for changes. You can configure a webhook by logging into the gospace AI console and navigating to Admin > Settings > Webhooks or by using the Webhook API.

POST   /webhook/v1/hook
GET    /webhook/v1/hook
GET    /webhook/v1/hook/:id
PUT    /webhook/v1/hook/:id
DELETE /webhook/v1/hook/:id
GET    /webhook/v1/hook/events

Webhook retries

If we do not receive a 200 OK response, we will retry sending the webhook three more times before giving up.

Webhook security

To verify that the request comes from gospace AI, a x-gospace-signature header is added to each request. The value of this header is a HMAC SHA256 hash computed from the request body and your API secret.

headers: {
  "x-gospace-signature": "11eu12e102ru102ur102ru019u2r102ur012ur09"

Webhook format

When an event occurs, we will make a POST request to the URL specified when you created the webhook. The request body will contain an event object which includes the topic string and data object.

  topic: <topic string>,
  data: {

Webhook events

gospace AI features an extensive events library that allows organisations to subscribe to and act on real-time events. This powerful feature enables businesses to track actions and automate responses, creating a dynamic and interactive AI environment.


Last updated